This from a while ago, but it's a follow up on another post:...~Steve>
A senior official of Motorola has apologized to the nations ham radio community for the negative remarks of one of his employees. This in regard
to Hurricane Katrina Amateur Radio emergency communications efforts.
In a letter to Craig Collin, AD6OD, of Tracy, California, Motorola counsel
Tom Andrews claimed that the remarks of Jim Screeden appearing in the Wall
Street Journal were quoted out of context. Also, that Screeden was
focusing on Motorola's massive public safety recovery effort in the Gulf
Coast region.
As reported in our September 16th newscast, Screeden was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as stating - and we quote: "Something is better than
nothing, that's right. But ham radios are pretty close to nothing."
On hearing the report AD6OD wrote a letter of complaint to Motorola's
Office of Ethics and Compliance. In his response Attorney Andrews went on
to say that the quoted comments do not represent Motorola's view on amateur
radio and that the company apologizes for the way the words appeared in the
Wall Street Journal story. He also said - and we again quote: . Motorola has sent a letter of clarification and apology to the Board of Directors for the Amateur Radio Relay League." -- end quote.
Yes that's Amateur Radio Relay League - his words, not ours. (AD6OD)