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Testing Session
Next test session is Sept 8th

 Repeater Coordination
 Date: 2006-08-28 15:00:32
 Here is a copy of the email I sent to Ray Kassis, President of the FRC.

"Is there any word on when coordinations are going to be finished? I've been waiting patiently for over two months for my coordination with no word since the initial filing. Repeated requests for status get no replies whatsoever. I HAVE heard that some communication has occurred with the Alabame coordinators, and I have been in contact with the District 8 coordinator. I still haven't received an answer to any of my inquiries. I know of others in the same prediciment, so I know its not just me. I can't see how hard it could be to coordinate a frequency in this neck of the woods, it's not like we are in Southern California or even Miami.

I am beginning to become very unhappy with this process. I understand this is a hobby and that all of us have other things to do as well as deal with amateur radio matters, but it seems a bit odd to me to have absolutely no response from the database coordinator for over two months.

Since the process of coordination is required for regulatory reasons, and thus becomes a quasi-legal matter, it would seem that some diligence (and attention to detail) on the part of the coordination body would be warranted for these matters. If there is anything I can do to help speed up this process, not just for me, but for others as well, please let me know. I am willing to help in any way possible.

It's not that the process is taking so long, it's more about the total lack of communication.

Sign me as 'currently disgruntled, but willing to have my mind changed about it'

...73's DE ~Steve>"




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